Why go Gluten Free?

Although gluten is a completely naturally occurring protein, for many reasons, it can sometimes be something you would prefer to keep off your plate. For people with Coeliac disease, gluten has to be avoided at all costs. People diagnosed with Coeliac disease experience damage and destruction to the lining of their small intestine when they consume gluten - this leads to poor absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream and malnourishment. However, people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and gluten intolerance also find it best to avoid gluten. For people suffering from these conditions, not consuming gluten has a multitude of benefits: increased bowel health, better absorption of nutrients, better weight management, reduced bloating and flatulence, improved concentration and energy levels, as well as improved metabolism. The market for gluten free foods has expanded considerably in recent years, with more and more people voluntarily giving up gluten for health reasons other than the aforementioned conditions. Although gluten has no adverse effects on overall health for those without conditions such as gluten intolerance and Coeliac disease, removing gluten from a diet has shown to promote a low-carb and high protein diet. Gluten is found in a lot of carbohydrate rich foods, such as bread and pasta, and replacing such foods with healthier alternatives does indeed promote better wellbeing and weight management. Other foods that contain gluten include sugary treats such as cakes, biscuits, and pastries. Whilst it is definitely not the gluten but the sugar and fat content of these foods that make them unhealthy, by choosing to avoid gluten, you are much less likely to indulge on these guilty pleasures. However, not every gluten-free alternative is necessarily a healthier option if the presence of gluten remains the sole difference between the two foods. However, with the avoidance of gluten becoming more popular as more and more people, for people with related medical conditions and without, there has been a significant rise in the variety of gluten-free products hitting the shelves. A lot of these products have kept in mind the health factor of people choosing not to consume gluten, and thus are packed with wholesome ingredients to promote good health. It is important to remember, however, that gluten is found in foods which are valuable sources of fiber - and removing if from your diet may lead to a lack of consumption of nutritious whole-grains. It’s vital that alternatives to carbohydrates, such as rice and quinoa, are incorporated into a gluten-free diet so that all the necessary nutrients are being consumed. Nevertheless, whilst for everyday people with no underlying health concerns, there is no reason to remove gluten from your diet - it does often push individuals towards avoiding a myriad of unhealthy foods and promotes the consumption of healthy gluten-free foods such as many fruits and vegetables. Although not always medically necessary, if planned well, cutting back on gluten can reap many a benefit - and considering the wealth of gluten-free options available, especially on Ogranicoguru.com, there wouldn’t be much of a sacrifice being made in the first place!